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Our Services

At PMC "Primary Medical Concierge", we take our business very seriously. We understand the attorneys are concerned to find the best Doctors for their clients, and they are using our services because we provide the most professionals & experienced medical providers on lien.

We trust our legal community as they trust our name and service.

We are not lawyers or Doctors. We are not a subsidiary of any medical group or law firm. We are a professional impartial facilitator helping attorneys find qualified medical professionals who work on a lien basis.

We provide doctor access to attorneys, we do not have direct involvement with any cases. All communication takes place directly between the doctors and attorneys, but we are always available to talk to either party if any discrepancies arise.

How We EVALUATE Our Doctors
Our evaluation process assures that all of our listed Doctors are:
  • Fully accredited in their respective medical field.
  • In practice for at least 6 years.
  • Fully trained and experienced with working on liens.
  • Recommended by a reputable med/legal professional.

How To become a member in our List (for doctors)
Our high standards, resulted better and reliable lists of professionals, and specialist in medical world. Please make sure that you meet all of our criteria as we are very particular about the doctors we accept. We only take one doctor from each geographical area, and also we do have waiting list.

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